About That GameDay
That GameDay is a website dedicated to the experience of live sporting events. We aspire to be fans' digital scrapbook - a place to memorialize past games attended in person, relive gameday moments and connect with others that share the same passion.
Site Terms
Before uploading gameday media, sharing personal information or engaging with blog posts, please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use below.
Privacy Policy
We only store personal information that you provide in your profile and media content that you upload while logged in and opt to maintain privately. We never deliberately share uploaded media content with third parties.
Terms of Use
When you upload pictures or videos on That GameDay, you are attesting that your media only contains content related to the sporting event itself, legal activities taking place at the event's location, other game attendees or event personnel. Content is classified as "Private" (only viewable by the user that submitted it) by default. By voluntarily opting to make a picture or video "Public," you acknowledge that it may be viewed by signed-in users or site visitors, which can result in it being downloaded and accessed outside That GameDay. We take no responsibility in protecting content voluntarily made available to site visitors.